For the period February until June 2021 we are running at the Haagse Hogeschool in Delft, the minor Robotics and Vision Design. Students are learning about 2D and 3D computer vision, deep learning, robot control, optimization methods and work on the design, realisation and test of a robot (mobile or arm-type) or an automation system including a robot.

If you are interested to have a project team realizing a robotic system or want to know more about our minorprojects, just give a reply to this email or contact me by phone.

Kind regards,

Dr. ir. Rufus Fraanje

Hogeschoolhoofddocent Mechatronica en Smart Sensor Systems
De Haagse Hogeschool
Faculteit voor Technologie, Innovatie & Samenleving
Rotterdamseweg 137, 2628 AL, Delft, Nederland
+31 (0)6 439 27 159,
Kamer: D1.055 (Ma – Do)

Intelligent Robotics / Automation projects available at Haagse Hogeschool (Delft)

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