Overgenomen bericht (bron)

On the 13th of February we invite you to experience the grand opening of the three-day festival Highlight Delft. Discover installations on the nexus of art and technology during the Highlight VIP Tour along 4 unique locations on the TU Delft Campus. The tour ends with the Community Drinks, our networking event where you can make more new meaningful connections with start-ups, companies, innovators and innovation partners.

Highlight Delft is a festival initiated by TU Delft Campus and Gemeente Delft, aimed at further strengthening our community of innovators. We believe that merging art and technology leads to innovative insights that will have societal impact.

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13th of February 2020
17:00 | Opening Highlight Delft and Highlight VIP Tour
@ P-SPORTS (Parking)
18:15 – 19:30 | Community Drinks
@ Bouwcampus

13/2 Community Drinks @ TUDelft Campus

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